The Comunicano for Monday February 20 2017


Andy Abramson
For a Presidents’s Day holiday Monday, there’s a lot of interesting news out there to read. 
I was debating putting the Uber Sexual Harassment story in the Comunicano at all, as the news coverage is so widespread, but given how fast they have responded and the actions taken, it deserves amplification….
Right or wrong, give Uber credit for responding to a crisis over a weekend as fast as they did. Now the key is to make the actions they take PUBLIC, not keep things too quiet, which is often the case in crisis management. 
As we tell our crisis management clients. “Bad news travels fast and far. Good news doesn’t travel at all.” Uber needs to make sure whatever they do to correct things has to travel

There’s a lot more to read, including some sports news involving Intel’s Slam Dunk, YouTube, the FCC and FM, Snap, Second Hand car buying…All that and a LOT, LOT MORE, in today’s COMUNICANO.

Reflecting on one very, very strange year at Uber by Susan J. Fowler

Uber CEO responds to claims of workplace sexism

Media Watch
The FCC wants you to be able to listen to FM radio from your smartphone

YouTube to stop 30-second unskippable ads

Shopping Watch
Snapchat Spectacles: Where to Buy Online

Connected car in the second-hand lot? Don't buy it if you're not hack-savvy

Retail Watch
New data highlights Amazon Australia threat

The impact of voice-activated virtual assistants on retail

Drone Watch
2017 NBA Dunk Contest: How Aaron Gordon's Drone Dunk Went Awry

Intel Slam Dunk Drone, hidden communications.

Intel + Sports | For the Win

Hype Watch
These University of Washington professors are teaching a course on bullshit

AT&T completes its first "flying COW" test flight

It's Time To Take AI Seriously

New York's City-Funded Tech Hub Looks Like a Prison Built by Ikea

Money Watch
High-flying Portland startup snags $15.5M, set to add dozens of jobs

Apple buys Israel's facial recognition firm RealFace

Odds & Ends
Microsoft Accelerates HoloLens V3 Development, Sidesteps V2

Twelve ways to make yourself a Gmail genius

Developer Prep for TADHack-mini Orlando

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