The Comunicano Daily for Monday November 25 2013

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The Comunicano Daily for
Monday November 25 2013




Hello from Sydney Australia. Here's a story with a happy ending. I left my iPad in a cab here in Sydney and realized this as I was having my first sip of a stunning Alsatian Riesling at the Wine Library last evening. Quickly I fired the the "Find my iPhone" app on my iPhone as I have all the devices I use on the Apple locator system and identified where it was. I found a young cab driver who was maps savvy who by reading the map realized it was near a mosque where many of the cab drivers in Sydney go to pray. He takes me to a mosque and we arrive just as evening prayers end. The original cab driver who had brought me to my favorite Sydney watering hole walks out, sees me and says "hi, I have your beeping thing, I was going to bring it back to where I dropped you but first I had to pray" 

I'm not sure who was more surprised, him or me.

Thank you Apple for such a great app.

Now, onto the news…Pal Jeff Bonforte is in the news again at Yahoo in what is a very funny Kara Swisher penned piece…..though not as funny as Bonforte's contrinuted to email inside the story..


Clinging to Outlook, Only 25 Percent of Yahoo Employees Willing to Eat Mail "Dogfood" (Best Memo Ever!)

As most know, I love a good internal memo from inside Yahoo and here's a doozy related to a rather controversial topic of late: How badly the new version of Yahoo Mail has been received by consumers.



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We know we're in the 4G world but all signs point to 5G happening very, very soon.




Mobile Internet Subscriptions to Triple by 2019

If it seems like everyone around you is constantly glued to their smartphones, you haven't seen anything yet. According to Ericsson's 2013 mobility report, the number of global mobile Internet subscriptions will triple by 2019. In 2013, the number of mobile subscriptions around the world clocks in at 2.2 billion.



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First it was no calling because your neighbors on the plane may not want the noise, but now we're seeing more and more that the no calling from the sky likely had more to do with money than keeping quiet.




F.C.C. Will Consider Allowing Cellphone Use In-Flight

WASHINGTON – The Federal Communications Commission said on Thursday that it would consider changing its rules to allow the use of cellphones and other wireless data devices during airline flights. If approved, the change is certain to delight some passengers but frustrate many others who prize flight time as a last preserve of peace.



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The new FCC commish, Tom Wheeler is saying out with the old, and in with the new..VoIP seems to be in…..




F.C.C. Chairman Calls for Transforming the Technology Used by Phone Systems

WASHINGTON – Americans could soon be one step closer to getting that videophone they were promised in the 1960s. The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission said on Tuesday that the agency would begin "a diverse set of experiments" next year that would begin to move the nation's telephone system from its century-old network of circuits, switches and copper wires to one that transmits phone calls in a manner similar to that used for Internet data.



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Unlocked phones are the way I like to go. So should you. Now it seems the FCC is moving in the direction to insure a better playing field for consumers.




AT&T is holding my iPhone hostage and Obama doesn't care: why the FCC must act on locked phones

I lost phone service 4 days ago because AT&T decided to vandalize my property – my iPhone – and, despite earlier assurances, it looks like the White House has no intention of doing anything about the policies that let the company get away with it.



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Comcast is a player in cable, content and now it looks like they are moving into being a major technology developer too.




Comcast develops method for dynamically extending wireless broadband reach

Comcast engineers are exploring how to eliminate wireless broadband "dead zones" by boosting the signals of Wi-Fi transmitters and connecting to 4G networks in areas that can't be reached by Wi-Fi, and even using data culled from social networks, emails and phone calls to determine where its subscribers will need access to the In



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When it comes to venture capital things are not always as apparent as they seem. Just look at where money was made on Twitter.




Here are the lucky VCs who secretly made money on Twitter's IPO

Twitter's investors weren't the only VC's cashing in on the company's IPO. Certainly general partners at Spark Capital, Union Square Ventures, Benchmark Capital and Charles River Ventures celebrated their success in the deal. They were Twitter's initial investors, and they made hundreds of millions of dollars on the IPO.



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More and more cities want to go on a fiber rich diet to deliver faster Internet speeds. 




Fed up with slow and pricey Internet, cities start demanding gigabit fiber

Slow Internet speeds and a lack of competitive pressure on Internet providers is a fact of life in communities throughout America. We've seen that competition can make a difference, notably with the entry of Google Fiber in certain markets, forcing incumbents to offer faster speeds and better deals.



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