The big news of the day comes from TechCrunch which is reporting that Firefox 22 now has WebRTC in it , and with the release, it becomes the first stable version of the popular browser that supports the WebRTC protocol. In looking at the update the very first item is WebRTC, clearly showing that the developers are playing into the hype cycle that is here in place. The by default enablement means no one needs to do any special "settings" changes to invoke a WebRTC session. This makes Firefox now competitive with Google's Chrome as the battle for WebRTC eyeballs. The Next Web also offers coverage, but they seem to think its all about video.
While we insiders know that WebRTC is not a prime time player just yet, it's clear from the data being sifted by some of the companies with the most to gain or lose are having a field day figuring out where, with whom and when the market will be ready for it. Today, Dialogic announced results of their study citing a whopping 87 percent of a representative sample of telecom execs feel WebRTC will be a part of their roadmap very soon. From the announcement—
Findings of the survey may surprise some within the industry who made early predictions that videoconferencing and contact center communications would be the primary points of adoption for WebRTC. Instead, 37.7 percent of those surveyed said that WebRTC offers a broader benefit to unified communications solutions. Further, more than 35 percent of respondents agreed that WebRTC will make a more immediate breakthrough in the education market as opposed to the enterprise. And unlike many industry initiatives that can take up to ten years to mature, 49 percent of respondents intend to deploy a WebRTC solution within the next 12 months.