Video Conferencing Apps and Services Rated and Ranked

PC World has taken a look at 2012's top video conferencing services that are both app and cloud oriented in their most recent issue. Back in the day, SightSpeed, now owned by Logitech, used to win this award, but it seems Logitech has stopped pursuing accolades for the once dominant service. (Note my agency, Comunicano, represented SightSpeed in those days.)

Each of these are what I would put in the pro-sumer category of applications/services that have lots of marketing muscle behind them. And, ironically, with WebRTC happening, any or all of them could be displaced very quickly with even more complete and wider ranging capabilities.

Having used some of the services listed what's clearly obvious to me, other than Skype PR Agency lead Chaim Haas being on the other end of tests with PC World's staff, is that no mention was made with regard to price and there wasn't a comparison chart of features included at the end of the feature which would have made it all easier to decide which service is best for who.

My best bets? Join.Me from LogMeIn, Citrix Go To Meeting and WebEx.

The reasons. Each has taken the time to work their app strategy to include mobile devices and on iPads they all are really mobile experiences of the desktop world. (Note: Citrix Go To Meeting has been a client in the past, and the guts of its audio comes from former client HiDef Conferencing that was acquired on our agency's watch just like SightSpeed at about the same time)

Skype Premium is also useful, but the changes being made to Skype's architecture of late have me seriously wondering how soon before it just becomes the next Windows Messenger, and fully incorporated into Lync.

Also, missing from the report. Google Hangouts, which on face, may be better than all of those chosen, but then again, Google isn't exactly, PC.