Show Me Your’s and I’ll Show You Mine

Last year Vonage was out in force at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). This year it seems the competition will be too. In a business where “I can do better than you” and a “can you top this” mentality rages, Packet8 Networks has fired a shot across the bow for all VoIP carriers to follow. It’s Video. And, like the new wave of voice telephony, it rides on the SIP backbone.

In an era where services, not price will matter as far as generating additional revenue from subscribers, Packet8’s foray into video is a welcomed addition.

This move is a logical extension. Connected instant messaging users have for the past few years used video capabilities found inside Yahoo or MSN/Windows Messenger to have face to face communication. Microsoft’s NetMeeting, which is based on h.323 and Apple’s iChat have been used by the connected Netizen population.

But this step is a huge strike for Packet8. Past efforts to sell video calls by AT&T in years gone by were dismal failures. If Packet8 doesn’t do it right, their gamble in Las Vegas could put them behind the 8 ball.

Stay Connected,

Andy Abramson

Andy Abramson

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