We are over conferenced. This week alone I will be at two, maybe three events and could be at more.
TechCrunch Disrupt starts on Monday in San Francisco, CA
Demo starts on Monday night in Santa Clara, CA-Attending
IT Expo and a medley of co-conferences all start on Tuesday in Austin, TX-Attending/Moderating
StartupCamp is Wednesday in Austin, TX-Attending
The WLSA and BioCom along with Mintz Levin on Wednesday have aTown Hall Meeting to discuss the FDA and Mobile Devices.-Wish I could be there but can't be in two places at once (Where did i leave that Multiplicity technology?)
Twilio is holding their conference the week of September 19 in San Francisco-Skipping but wish I had the time to go.
Gigaom holds an expanded two day Mobilize on September 26 and 27 in San Francisco-Attending and it's almost SOLD OUT!!!
Yes- this month, I'm over conferenced. Next month-well, I'll be over-traveled. I feel a vacation coming in the middle of all that travel.