Skype for (some) Androids Get Video

Skype's the Big Blog served as the news outlet letting Android 2.2 users know that their mobile client is now on par with Apple's iOS without saying so, as video, at least one on one video, is now available for most Android mobile phones. That's good news, as Skype calls actually are working on the Verizon Wireless network. Sort of.

A quick test this morning revealed how long it takes to set up and connect over 4G on VZW, and a video call took almost 4 minutes for the other parties video to appear, even though I was sending video.

The image also doesn't shift from landscape to portrait mode, another slight bug. Another is the whole user experience of finding contacts, which is not really fluid. There are other issues, but it worked.

Thankfully there's Skype on the iphone, iPod touch and now iPad as I continue to feel that Android is not as good as an OS for developers due to device fragmentation issues. This morning's testing really proved it.

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