Jeff’s Opinion In The WSJ – Write to The Wall Street Journal has a letter from the guru of VoIP, Jeff Pulver. It’s a great read and makes many salient points. Give it a read. – Write to The Wall Street Journal has a letter from the guru of VoIP, Jeff Pulver. It’s a great read and makes many salient points. Give it a read.
Given the Tsunami in the Indian ocean last week, and the number of calls that go to Indian call centers, the number of Indian sub continent ex pats in the USA, the current Dell commercial that is all about their support needs to change. It mentions Tsunami. While I understand the reason they used the … Read more
I don’t mean to be nostalgic, and off topic today, but one of my favorite early morning television shows as a kid was “Thunderbirds.” Those puppets that had a show over in the UK that somehow found there way onto USA television in Phildelphia. Well after many years of someone wanting to do a movie, … Read more
I don’t quite think the new Bluetooth problem is a virus yet. Call it a cavity. To stop the spread, just turn off Bluetooth.