The VoIP PR Machine

Well, the local efforts are really beginning. Each week brings more news about CONSUMERS fighting and switching to VoIP. This time, it’s the the Fort Worth Telegram telling the story, and given a nice plug to 8X8 Packet 8 service. For Vonage, Packet8 and any other player in the game now, its a war of … Read more

Wharton Watches VoIP

The University of Pennasylvania’s Wharton School’s Knowledge@Wharton has an interesting article about VoIP that was picked up by CNET’s While it rehashes a lot of what’s already out on the web about the subject it does peg VoIP adoption largely to broadband. While this is one way to look at it, what most people … Read more

Video and VoIP

Video is the next frontier with Voice over IP. When you think about it, we’ve been in an audio based communications medium for over 100 years. Now that people have broadband and with SIP, the ability to layer in real time voice and video, with presence based messaging (IM/Location based) can’t be that far behind. … Read more

Survey Says……

A survey announced today from Park and Associates shows that fifty percent of the broadband connected households in the USA are interested in VoIP. Now, that doesn’t mean they will all switch. Some may opt to add the service a way to cut cost. Others may replace the fax line as a test to see … Read more

Comgates Acquired and Looks To The East

A company I previously served as an advisor on marketing and public relations, which got caught up in the telecom bubble, the meltdown, VC squeeze plays and being based in Israel at a time of high tensions sold off their technology today. COMGATES, which had developed one of the best softswitch technologies around was … Read more

Making VoIP Easier

Manufacturers of routers and gateways like D-Link have for over two years ago talked about integrating VoIP capability with their Ethernet routers, with the goal of keeping people more connected and providing one less interface in the chain. Last week at CES I saw the Motorola box that Vonage is now peddling, replacing the Cisco … Read more

h.323 Buggy

h.323, which I picked on recently, saying that it’s not what SIP is has been found buggy again. Face it, h.323 is an old technology which has been eclipsed by a much more robust and capable protocol, SIP (session initiation protocol). Many of the older VoIP companies out there are still using h.323. Some are … Read more

3 Goes Global

I’m always keen to what Level3 is up to. Now they are terminating VoIP calls internationally. At the same time, once left for dead Global Crossing have announced a deal to make PSTN to IP telephony calls work more easily within their network. Both of these carriers have lots of bandwidth, numerous POPs and customers. … Read more

Why The Slowdown

I’m fighting a cold, and to be candid, most of the stories I’m seeing about VoIP the past few days have been lame rewrites of what we already know. The most exciting news is coming from Jeff Pulver, who on his blog, is getting ready to push his own legislation proposal to the FCC. If … Read more

Vonage Inside

Intel Inside. Now Vonage Inside. Today Vonage announced a deal with Texas Instruments to bring Vonage to the chip level. This announcement means that you can eliminate the ATA made by Cisco or Motorola and skip the need for a router. Much like Intel’s efforts to put Wi-Fi in laptops and soon desktops using Centrino … Read more