IP Inferno: Vonage’s New Retail Deal

IP Inferno: Vonage’s New Retail Deal writes about the potential Vonage has to sell VoIP at retail and some of the issues. I agree with Dan. A recent visit to some of the stores selling VoIP (Staples, Best Buy, CompUSA) from the various carriers shows a total lack of understanding about the service and each carriers … Read more

Are They Scared Yet?

A UK communications carrier says what we know but makes some interesting predictions of what VoIP will do to the incumbents labeling VoIP telecom’s black hole.

What’s Holding VoIP Back

Americans are more worried that service quality over government regulation will hold back the adoption of VoIP-based telephony, according to a Spirent Communications report. Well, I think the quality issues are being reduced and that more people are realizing that unlimited Long Distance and all the bundled features at one price sure beats the RBOCs … Read more

The Emancipation Of VoIP

A telecom consultant in South Carolina writes a nice story about the FCC and VoIP regulation. The thinking here is rather consistent with what all of us waving the VoIP flag have been saying. Keep the states and local governments away from VoIP for now.

Skype Gripe CounterSkype

Jonathan Greene who blogs on many things digital has a viewpoint on his blog about Skype complainers. For the record Jonathan and I had a Skype call last night, first on my laptop with a Labtec mic, then on the Pocket PC using Skype 1.0. The quality on both was fine, with the laptop near … Read more

Naked DSL + VoIP. Who Needs an RBOC

Speakeasy, one of the more highly regarded and established DSL players has rolled out a new package that eliminates the need for a residential phone line from the regional Bell companies here in the USA. While they may not be the first to do this, they are continuing to be a company to watch. Consistently … Read more