Bloggercon Thoughts

When you come to a conference like Bloggercon you get to meet some really neat people. Adam Curry’s talk which was really leading a discussion about Podcasting was interesting. It got me thinking about how long Ken Rutkowski and I have been doing the World Technology RoundUp, now almost six years together and ten or … Read more

Bloggercon Thoughts

When you come to a conference like Bloggercon you get to meet some really neat people. Adam Curry’s talk which was really leading a discussion about Podcasting was interesting. It got me thinking about how long Ken Rutkowski and I have been doing the World Technology RoundUp, now almost six years together and ten or … Read more

BloggerCon Dinner

I’m off to BloggerCon’s opening night dinner at Mings in Palo Alto. Longtime friend, former client and all around smart guy Bob Cox of The National Debate is enroute with the wheels to get us there. Bob is one of the brightest guys I know. Notre Dame, University of Chicago. Some smart media company looking … Read more

BloggerCon In Palo Alto

I just received word that I’m now officially registered in BloggerCon 3. I booked my flight and have scored my Hotel rooms. I’m looking forward to seeing who else from the Telecom blog world makes it there. This is not about VoIP, but all about the power and the future of blogging.


Now this is cool. It’s not VoIP related but this is so, so sweet. The folks who make TypePad, Six Apart and Nokia have teamed up to enable Mobile blogging easily. So yesterday after seeing the demo at DemoMobile 2004 I rushed to the booth and had a chat with Nokia’s Charlie Schick and Mena, … Read more

I Got GigaOm’d In Good Way

Om Malik, whom I respect as much as any journalist for his unbiased coverage of all things broadband has some nice things to say about my comments on Blogs and Media, as well as VoIP Watch. Thanks Om.

VoIP and The Media

A major market newspaper called me this week to talk about VoIP. I did the interview and now they want to send a photographer, so hopefully the story runs soon The questions centered largely around my customer experience with VoIP, many of which have been chronicled here and on the “World Technology Roundup” which I … Read more

Plan A vs. Plan B

Blogger Clay Shirky simplifies the rationale for a transition to a VoIP based phone universe. His observation about the lengths of which the RBOC’s will go is right on. To clarify, it was not in the telcos best interest today to be in the VoIP business. They have too many employees who will be displaced, … Read more

New Blogging Tool

I’ve come across a new blogging tool via Joi Ito’s blog. I’ve known Joi for almost 20 years, via the online world. The tool, Ecto, is a offline interface to TypePad and other ASP and .NET based blogging systems, and should make my posting more efficient. What’s great is it works with both Macs and … Read more