My Views On Customer Service In the USA

The State of  Customer Service In America Let me first start out by saying that I really didn’t want to write this, but do to a series of matters that have affected me and two of my closest and dearest friends I found myself honor bound to do so. As a member of the press, … Read more

AOL Is Cutting Everywhere – Update

AOL looks like they are getting ready to go up on the auction block to me. They are cutting out broadband, eliminating divisions (Shoutcast/WinAmp), and more. They are doing this while they are working on rolling out a VoIP product. Me thinks two things. First AOL wants to be the dominant dial up player in … Read more

Will Telcos Carry Sports has a story item about New York’s YES Network creating a broadband delivery model. I have for many years been saying that the telcos are the next cable tv network and if they want to deliver true content over DSL, that sports and movies will lead the way. Imagine VoIP and Sports, plus Sports … Read more