Thoughts on WebRTC and OTT Services

Just about two weeks ago I was attending the ITU Telecom World where I joined Dean Bubley's panel and then moderating the TADS Summit in Bangkok, Thailand. Bangkok is an interesting place and my mobile experience, not only with a SIM but seeing how mobile centric that part of the world is, even more than … Read more

WebRTC News for Thursday June 27 2013-Early Edition

Image via CrunchBase The "news" is slowing down, but it's clear that WebRTC is heating up. Last night I gathered up a bunch of folks in town for the conference and invited them to a dinner of what I named the "Like Minds Group" here in Atlanta. Companies represented included leading execs from AT&T, Amdocs, Cisco, … Read more

WebRTC News for Wednesday June 26 2013-Early Edition

WebRTC's roadmap (Photo credit: Tsahi Levent-Levi) So WebRTC World opened yesterday and it was a developer's dream event. The day brought back memories of the old days, when TMC and others organized developer conferences, and where new companies showed off their dreams, established companies told us how they were going to change, and how the … Read more

Telcos: Feeling a Wee Bit Insecure about WebRTC?

WebRTC Single Page Application (Photo credit: Tsahi Levent-Levi) I think there's a bit of "insecurity" going on within both the last gen and next gen telco providers when it comes to WebRTC. And honestly, it's the same old story. An instant replay of sorts. Honestly, is it live or is it Memorex? As a matter … Read more

Om Bitches About Data Rates-He’s Not Alone

Pal Om bitched about high international data rates when he's on the road in his weekly "7 stories for the weekend" post, and he's right. But honestly, between my Boingo accounts, Truphone and a variety of local SIMs, I've pretty much got it figure out, but I'll admit, for the infrequent traveler, or someone saddled … Read more

Cable Operators Are Your Next Telco

Image via CrunchBase Earlier this month Comcast announced their moves into the business and enterprise market with VoIP, all based upon their prior acquisition of NGT and the fact that they have pretty much updated their patchwork network they inherited from their may cable company acquisitions that seemed to be put together with spit, chewing … Read more

Dean Bubley-The Predictor

Pal Dean Bubley is one of the more pragmatic analysts out there in the wireless world and today he posts his predictions, winners and losers for 2012. If you look at it and read through it you'll find a tone of frustration, dismay and depression, none his own, but of the industry. With so much "advancement" … Read more

Future of Voice Series

Dean Bubley and Martin Geddes are Masters when it comes to interpreting what's what in voice and what's next in telecom. Now they're taking their show on the road with a series of "master classes" that start up in San Francisco the end of June.  Dubbed "Future of Voice" the first three master classes will … Read more

Dean Bubley Goes Over The Top on OTT

Image via Wikipedia My pal in London, Dean Bubley, is so insightful. Between he and Martin Geddes, when I'm over in London, the two are the master class leaders in delivering insight, perspective and opinion, or what I tend to call IPO in the realm of socialized media (i.e. using a blog, or other online … Read more