Why Are Our Wireless Networks So Closed?

Last week OnSip revealed how SIP traffic on Verizon Wireless' LTE network is blocked, mostly on MiFi's more than smartphone devices, but over the last week I've noticed how fast GoogleVoice loads up on AT&T and T-Mobile and how slowiy it has been on VZW. The same with Apple's FaceTime and Skype–at least here in … Read more

Random Thoughts from an Idle Mind for Saturday May 18 2013

Have you noticed that Google put Hangouts on iOS? And did you see that AT&T is saying the same thing to Google that they said to Apple about FaceTime and data plans…Do you think the billions into the network updates are not buying as much capacity as needed? At the same time the updates to … Read more

WebRTC Chatter, Thoughts and More

Recently WebRTC has come into the forefront with active discussions on the VUC and now a back and forth on Twitter with some of the brighter minds I know on the subject of technology adoption chiming in. The Twitter back and forth reminds me of a group of guys sitting around the bar discussing the … Read more

Taking Aim and Telling the Truth

A Polycom VSX 7000 camera used for videoconferencing (top) with 2 video conferencing screens for simultaneous broadcast from 2 separate locations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Image via CrunchBase Image via CrunchBase Image via CrunchBase Image via CrunchBase I went to bed last night in Paris after just reading Vidtel founder Scott Wharton's transparent post about the … Read more

Video Conferencing Goes Mobile—Maybe

Image via CrunchBase I'm more and more hooked on video calling. Why? Well as someone who works from home, hotels and pretty much, anywhere, I like to see people. Having been at the early stages of video calling back first with SightSpeed whom I served as an adviser to and as the agency of record … Read more

Report: Mobile Video Calling to Grow

Juniper Research is reporting that mobile video calling is expected to grow through 2016 as services like Apple's FaceTime drive interest and demand. The key point here is the need for standardization of mVideo and that is clearly NOT Skype or FaceTime. The one point missed is the need for optimization regardless of whether the … Read more

Key Stat from Skype’s Living Workplace Survey

One of the take-a-ways from the Skype living workplace survey was the point about the communications tool that is expected to have the biggest gain in usage next year will be video calling. This is not a stat to be taken lightly. And it's not all about Skype. Apple's FaceTime, Logitech's SightSpeed (a former client), client … Read more

Are We Seeing Balkanization of Voice or the Consolidation of It?

Image via Wikipedia Back in 1999 when I was wet behind the ears, and just getting into voice and VoIP, Jacob Tirosh, then the founder and CEO of Comgates, an Israel based softswitch developer gave me a lesson in protocol. TDM, h.323, Megaco and SIP he proffered all needed to be interoperable, and the softswitch … Read more