The Changing Face of Collaboration with WebRTC and More

While the standards bodies and heavyweights (Google, Microsoft, Firefox) all duke it out on the WebRTC standard the developers and visionaries of how work will get done in the future are not standing still in attacking the collaboration space at all. And its just in time as I'm tired of traveling and am finding that … Read more

WebRTC News for Thursday June 27 2013-Early Edition

Image via CrunchBase The "news" is slowing down, but it's clear that WebRTC is heating up. Last night I gathered up a bunch of folks in town for the conference and invited them to a dinner of what I named the "Like Minds Group" here in Atlanta. Companies represented included leading execs from AT&T, Amdocs, Cisco, … Read more

WebRTC News for Wednesday June 26 2013-Early Edition

WebRTC's roadmap (Photo credit: Tsahi Levent-Levi) So WebRTC World opened yesterday and it was a developer's dream event. The day brought back memories of the old days, when TMC and others organized developer conferences, and where new companies showed off their dreams, established companies told us how they were going to change, and how the … Read more

WebRTC News for Tuesday June 25 2013-Midday Edition

The big news of the day comes from TechCrunch which is reporting that Firefox 22 now has WebRTC in it , and with the release, it becomes the first stable version of the popular browser that supports the WebRTC protocol. In looking at the update the very first item is WebRTC, clearly showing that the developers are playing … Read more

WebRTC News for Tuesday June 25 2013-Early Edition

WebRTC Single Page Application (Photo credit: Tsahi Levent-Levi) As I wing it towards Atlanta I had a chance to do a quick read of the news that's coming out on the subject of WebRTC. As I mentioned earlier in the week, there will be lots of news announcements coming out surrounding the WebRTC World Conference … Read more