CounterPath Rolls Out RCS-e Flavored Bria Mobile Softphone at Mobile World Congress

Client CounterPath is making sure no stone is unturned when it comes to keeping it's lead in the softphone category with carriers. Their latest news is all around the RCS-e standard that the GSMA has embraced. Basically, this give the mobile operators a softphone application that is focused on the use of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) … Read more

Is Google Going To Become a Mobile Operator?

Conflicting reports are out there about Google becoming a mobile operator, at least in Spain. Or maybe not. While creating a company branded SIM, buying minutes and data makes sense, and Spain, like France and the UK are MVNO hotbeds, it is an interesting move or experiment if true. That said, Google relies on carriers … Read more

WiFi Exchange To Open-DT and iPass to Make It Happen

For years roaming on WiFi was Boingo and everybody else. And with everybody else the back office issues were immense. And for mobile operators who have a back office solution for mobile voice and data roaming there already were solutions that made things like authentication and settlement easy. Well not so for WiFi. That's why … Read more

T-Mobile in USA-More Speed in More Places

If AT&T offers more bars in more places, T-Mobile is the mobile operator with more speed in more places. As of today they have added more markets to their "4G" network bringing it to 10 more markets, which means they estimate that their "4G" network now reaches 167 markets and more than 200 million people nationwide in … Read more

UK iPad Owners on o2 Get a Bonus

If you're in the UK with an iPad, or iPad2, mobile operator o2 has a gift for you that gives you more than the regular iPad data plan they offer. Now through April 14, if you top up your iPad they'll give you an extra GB of data use for your device starting on April … Read more

Sprint Now Welcomes Over The Top Plays With Google Voice Move

Image via Wikipedia Sprint, the nations third mobile operator in size, but the company that has always been first in mobile and network innovation, has broken ranks with the rest of the mobile operators and embraced the concept of the Over the Top play with Google Voice. While the news will likely get overshadowed by … Read more

Mobile Operators Clarifying VoIP Rules on Data Networks

Image via Wikipedia Vodafone Italia is clarifying their permitting of VoIP, or when they'll block it. In Spain and France I've noticed how some of the mobile operators were blocking Skype and SIP calls over their date networks. It seems to be impacting the pre-paid market more than the contract market, but in the case … Read more

Mobile Networks Are Just That

Image via Wikipedia Telappliant has a rather obvious poke at the misunderstanding of the way the mobile world of communications is going. It's no longer about voice. It's about IP based traffic and you don't need to be a genius to figure that out. What that means with the looming worldwide arrival of LTE is … Read more

VoIPWars – Bubley Throws It Down

I have been a friend of Dean Bubley's for quite a few years, and consider him one of the world's leading Blogalysts (an independent analyst who uses the blog format to share perspective, insight and opinion) This past week he took to task another respected analyst, Gabe Brown article, that surrounds VoLTE and IMS. Dean, … Read more