Conferences and Trade Shows-Which Are You Attending?

GSMA Mobile. WorldCongress (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Now that Enterprise Connect is behind us, the eyes turn to the upcoming WebRTC World conference in Atlanta in June. Two months later we have TMC’s IT Expo in Las Vegas that has an Enterprise WebRTC track co-located and then there's Super Mobility Week put on by CTIA in September. Three big events, in only four months. … Read more

Truphone Benefits from UK Trade and Investment Presence at Mobile World Congress

On one of my trips to London last fall I lobbied on behalf of long-standing client Truphone to be a part of the UK Trade and Investment's pavillion inside the massive and heavily trafficked 2013 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. We were successful and Truphone was one of 10 companies chosen to represent the United … Read more

Apple Is Not At Mobile World Congress-But They Are

Image by Getty Images via @daylife Apple doesn't need to be exhibiting at Mobile World Congress to be present. They are, by their show floor absence, there in droves. Apple in 2007 changed the entire mobile phone business with the iPhone and now, every manufacturer tries to out Apple Apple. Perhaps the most envious is … Read more

Trade Show Blur Begins on Wednesday

Image via Wikipedia We're heading into the annual trade show season, where events seem to come up and out of nowhere for some, and for others are part of the business of their business. For me the seasons starts with the AT&T Developer Summit which is just one day before CES, moves to IT Expo which includes … Read more