The Comunicano Daily for Wednesday January 22, 2014

  The Comunicano Daily     The year so far has been rather light on major news in my view. CES sucked up a lot of air, the two teams heading to the Super Bowl in New York are not from large TV markets which will drive down the value of the commercials that millions are … Read more

Does L.A. Really Want Citywide WiFi?

The City of Los Angeles is considering building out a citywide Wi-Fi network. It's a good idea, but rumor has it that they are considering an anchor tenant model, similar to what Earthlink tried to be in Philadelphia, San Francisco, Anaheim and a few other cities. The model, which some former execs I know from Earthlink … Read more

Surf In New York Subway Stations

AT&T, T-Mobile and Boingo jointly participated in a media event this week in New York's Times Square Station announcing the arrival of wireless coverage in 30 underground stations operated by the MTA, New York City's transit authority.  Like in London, the coverage and services are tied to existing operators. No information was provided for people … Read more

The January Juggernaut Begins

Today marks the end of a two week respite of sorts. By working from Cascais, Portugal and now Paris, France I was able to spend time with friends and still work remotely using a combination of blazing fast 60 meg symetircal broadband in Cascais, and mobile technology when I was out and about. But, starting … Read more

Is IT Expo Getting Cloudy Again?

IT Expo moves their fall show to Austin starting September 13 and for me the cloud is where it will be. Cloud Comm, one of the many (maybe too many) co-located conferences at the fall TMCnet shindig is now in its 4th event and for the vetrans like me this event was always the one … Read more

M&A in VoIP is Heating Up

A few weeks ago Alteva, a small VoIP operator based in Philadelphia was snapped up by a New York State CLEC which is making acquisitions. Now we see Windtream acquiring Paetec. Add in what happened between Covad and Megapath last year, TelePacific buying TelWest and with Momentum Telecom acquring Comm Partners, needless to say, VoIP companies are … Read more