Jeff Pulver, who I have more respect for than anyone in the VoIP space around posted a note today about how Vonage subscribers can call users of Pulver’s Free World Dialup and vice versa.
It got me thinking about the softphones I have. One for FWD, another for Vonage. While I have XTEN Pro I find the programming to still be to geek/nerd aspects that effect set up to be way too challenging for the average user.
I’d like to see someone come out with a softphone that makes it easy to call cross networks, so on Net, SIP calls or even SIP to PSTN, SIP to h.323 can be easily made where I can pick the network I want to use and have the softphone figure out the access codes. If this sounds a lot like the pocket dialers we used to use when dial arounds were needed when using pay phones or even an office phone, you’re right.
XTEN comes closest, but they have yet to really make it easy. If I could call FWD users easily via my XTEN Vonage softphone, without having to remeber the access codes it would spur greater use of FWD for me. I’d also like to see it cross to Skype. If one person could make it happen it’s Jeff Pulver.