Working Anywhere is Back

I started this blog long before the concept of Working From Home, Working in Coffeeshops, Co-Working or anything more than the concept of teleworking was the way it was described.  There was no WeWork. No SecondHome. I used Regus locations all over the world as I needed to, and still do. Having a UPS store account started when they were called MailBoxes, ETC. And FedEx Office was Kinkos. Using FedEx, Priority Mail and UPS was second nature to send a package. Email was the main mode of communications, SMS was not really all connected and apps, well they were not even really a factor. All that has changed, and with that, there's more 

As a person who has worked more from home than in an office his entire life, built a high growth, and now smaller agency, that was all remote, I likely let others get the fame, glory and credit as being an expert, pundit, or consultant on the idea of remote working. 

Having traveled extensively, and literally being someone who every day was WorkingAnywhere, this is a subject area I'm still passionate about, and now over the next few months will put to the test as I begin a phase of being super virtual, mobile and still connected.

Join me on that journey…. Wine, Travel. Technology and more all there, here and here.