Former client and CEO at Bridgeport Networks, now a part of client CounterPath, Mike Mulica, has joined OpenWave as CEO. Mulica is known best as a sales guy. My gut says he's there to sell the Openwave business as a whole or to sell of some of their patent portfolio.
Broadsoft, in a move to strengthen their User Interfaces, something that has been a sore point with many of their customers, has added the Movial Applications group to their portfolio. This has to put pressure on Polycom, which is attempting to go from hardware to software. As one of Broadsoft's biggest partners, they are moving into the software space with video and voice apps, notably, the M100 and M200 clients.
Sale makes sense, I work for a large western based Cdn telco and openwave is a sore point for our value added services group.
I could be getting biased information but they are up there for worst vendor in the telco’s mobility group.