What I Want as a Holiday Present This Year (Wishful Thinking)

In looking at the technology landscape here's what I want for holiday present: 1) The end of security being the excuse not to adopt something. Over the past 11 years I have seen more great ideas and growth stymied under the guise of "security" being the issue.  2) Standards really being standards. If you use … Read more

Is Google Voice The Bride or the Bride’s Maid?

Image via CrunchBase Google left GoogleVoice off the list of presentations from Google I/O last week and Skype Journal's Phil Wolff is all upset and cranky. In a short terse post today the all things IP and Skype pundit and friend goes off on a semi rant asking: "Where’s the platform, folks? Will Skype’s platform … Read more

Sprint Now Welcomes Over The Top Plays With Google Voice Move

Image via Wikipedia Sprint, the nations third mobile operator in size, but the company that has always been first in mobile and network innovation, has broken ranks with the rest of the mobile operators and embraced the concept of the Over the Top play with Google Voice. While the news will likely get overshadowed by … Read more