Conference Calling Apps and Services Update

With Enterprise Connect a thing of the past, and more attention being paid on Video Conferencing these days than audio conference calls, I thought it would be a good time to take a look at what’s been happening of late with the more widely used mode of communications. At the core of all the new … Read more

Commentary on A Month Without iOS

VC, angel, blogger Brad Feld wrote a very passionate post about his plan to move for a month from iOS to Android on his blog this past week. A day or so later VentureBeat picked up the post and reposted it, and the Twittersphere picked up on it adding greater social amplification. Feld's post has … Read more

Positioning-Apple is A Products Company, Google Is A Service

Image via CrunchBase At Comunicano, our master of the message, Bill Ryan hammers on regularly about why positioning is so important. He should know. Back in 90s his agency, NRW was brought in by the late Steve Jobs to help with the turnaround of Apple. Now, some 16 years later, you can still see the … Read more

Google just pulled an Apple with Chromecast

Google just pulled an Apple out of the bag in the OTT (over the top) space. And it's called Chromecast, a small USB device that connects a variety of devices to any HD monitor or TV set. What that means is you can now likely use your Android phone or tablet and make the monitor an … Read more

Random Thoughts from an Idle Mind for Saturday May 18 2013

Have you noticed that Google put Hangouts on iOS? And did you see that AT&T is saying the same thing to Google that they said to Apple about FaceTime and data plans…Do you think the billions into the network updates are not buying as much capacity as needed? At the same time the updates to … Read more

8×8’s Bryan Martin Discusses the Second Coming of the Tech Boom

8×8's CEO Bryan Martin was featured in an NBC TV news feature in the Bay Area about the second coming of the technology boom in Silicon Valley as the Nasdaq, where many tech companies list their stock reached a twelve year high. Watch the video. My take–we're seeing a new renaissance of sorts in technology. … Read more

Cisco Copies, They Don’t Innovate, They Just Sell

Image via CrunchBase Over a year ago at IT Expo in Miami Panasonic debuted an Android based deskphone that combined the best of both worlds. Rock solid audio and video technology and access to the Android Play store library of apps. But, when better and more exciting options like the Mocet Communicator are out there, … Read more

Voxeet Launches Amazingly Super Conferencing Service

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to sit down with the founders of Voxeet, a new audio conferencing service that just launched their iOS and Android apps after finishing on top in a competition sponsored by Previously they had a Windows app and are promising a Mac client shortly. In an era where … Read more

State of The Internet from Mary Meeker

Image via CrunchBase For many years Mary Meeker has been considered the doyan of the invesment community from her days on Wall Street to today with Kliner Perkins, the most venerable of VC's nestled in Silicon Valley. Mary's annual "Internet Trends" report is a must read as it shapes the opinions of where money goes … Read more

Two Must Read Posts From Today

It's great to see those who are really in the know sharing their thoughts. Today, two very insightful posts came up from former clients of mine, David Beckemeyer, co-founder of Earthlink, and Larry Lisser with whom I worked leading up to the exit of Mobivox. David, in his post about the so called myth of … Read more